Best Baby Strollers

Best Baby Strollers

It’s kind of like buying a car, right?

You know, picking out your baby’s stroller! 

Doing the research, seeing what styles you like, looking at the different features, and test driving them… kind of like buying a car. One consideration when buying the best baby stroller is what it looks like. Another main consideration is reliability and features. Because after all, it’s important to have a stroller that not only fits your lifestyle but also one that you can depend on, day in and day out to support your baby. You totally know what I mean, the amount of times you fold it closed, open it up, run errands, casually stroll and enjoy quality time with your baby is a lot! Most importantly, the stroller is holding precious cargo! So, it’s definitely important to pick a stroller that you love and that will protect your little one. 

Can’t wait to share the top picks for the best baby strollers in this post. 

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I'm Lauren, a baby sleep expert and mama behind the magic here! I created this safe, no judgment community called Sleep and the City to help you and your baby get some amazing zzz's!

We're all about supporting each other and making sure your little one gets the best sleep possible. 

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So, are you looking for the best baby stroller? 

Where to begin…

Maybe this has been you or maybe you’ve seen it… a lovely mom carrying her precious baby through the aisles at the grocery store because the stroller broke or isn’t comfy? 

Can we imagine the thoughts running through that mom’s mind? 

“Maybe if I just got a better stroller?”... “It broke again, this is the last thing I needed to happen today.”... “I just wish baby was comfy in a good stroller.” 
I personally remember thinking some of these things, which is why I have a passion to help parents with their little one’s sleep.. And with choosing the best baby stroller. 

So, let’s dive into our list of the Best Baby Strollers

UppaBaby MINU V2 Stroller-Stella

The UppaBaby MINU V2 Stroller-Stella makes the list as one of the best baby strollers!

This stroller is super light, which I love! The seat is big enough for kids up to 50 pounds, and you can adjust the harness without having to rethread it (yay for easy!). 

Plus, the canopy zips out and is extra long to protect your baby from the sun. Seriously, such a good feature to have! You can adjust the leg rest, and the basket is deeper and easy to get to from the back or front. It comes with a leather bumper bar, too! 

You can use it with a car seat or bassinet, and it folds up easily with one hand (so helpful especially on those days when we need all the hands we can get!). Plus, it stands up when it's folded, and you can carry it with the handle or shoulder strap. 

There are lots of recline positions, and the canopy has a window to peek through.

You can also get some cool accessories to add to it, too!


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UppaBaby VISTA 2 Convertible Stroller w/Bassinet

The UppaBaby Vista 2 makes the list for Best Baby Strollers for a few reasons!

I think you're going to love this stroller! The handlebar adjusts so you can push it comfortably whether you're super tall or short. It has a huge basket underneath, because we can always use more space for our extras (It can hold up to 30 pounds- so no need to carry heavy bags on your shoulder). Plus, the harness is super easy to adjust, no fussing around required. If you have more than one kiddo, you can buy extra parts - just perfect for growing families!

Besides it’s cute look, the suspension is good, the stroller cover protects from rain, bugs, and the sun, and the bassinet has lots of vents to help with airflow. Babies up to 20 pounds can use the bassinet, and once they are three months old, they can go in the regular seat until they are up to 50 pounds.

Here’s a verified review by Kauionalani,

“We have 4 children. Over the past 12 years we have bought a lot of strollers keeping only my favorite 6 haha. This is my favorite double stroller. It is lightweight yet full size. Very easy to maneuver on grass as well as in a mall. Easy to open/close however it is large even when folded. It has a large basket underneath with a built in cupholder perfect for a water bottle.”

Okay.. okay.. If you haven’t guessed by now… UppaBaby is just a superb brand with quality products!

Before we leave UppaBaby for other brands, I want to mention one more that makes the list of Best Baby Strollers!

UppaBaby RIDGE Jogging Stroller

The UPPAbaby RIDGE All-Terrain jogging stroller definitely made the list for Best Baby Strollers!

It’s totally a great choice for active families who love exploring the outdoors. 

It has lots of features to make your outings more comfortable and safe, like a two-stage suspension system, EVA foam tires that don't need an air pump, a disc hand brake for more control on uneven terrain, and a swivel front wheel that can be locked in place for jogging. 

The UppaBaby Ridge Jogging Stroller also has an XL adjustable canopy with a sunshade and a zipper pocket for your phone, a 5-point harness for your baby's safety, and a multi-position recline for napping. Plus, it comes with a water bottle holder, a covered storage basket, and a wrist strap for jogging. And, it's compatible with infant car seats. 


Is your baby going through a sleep regression?

Not sure? That’s okay! Let’s figure it out together.

I’ve put a list together of the common signs of baby sleep regressions.


Silver Cross Wave Convertible Stroller

Silver Cross Wave made the list for Best Baby Strollers for a few reasons!

We have moved on from UppaBaby! Say hello to Silver Cross! This stroller comes with a bassinet and can be used in seven different configurations as a single-to-double stroller. You can even use it with twins if you buy some extra accessories. The stroller has two-height riding positions, and you can use it facing forward or backward depending on what you need, which I love! 

The bassinet is easy to carry and has a memory foam mattress, and the seat reclines with just one hand for easy napping. Plus, the stroller has an upgraded magnetic buckle and backpack-style harness for easy adjusting. Oh! And, the hoods/sun visors provide UPF 50+ protection from the sun. The stroller is suitable for babies up to 55 pounds, and the bassinet can be used from birth until your baby can sit up on their own.

Here’s a verified review by Annette, 

“When I found out I was having a second baby, I knew I needed to upgrade to a dual stroller. I did a lot of research and actually ended up buying a Silver Cross Wave stroller. This was the best purchase I have made for my children. It is smooth, beautiful, and just luxurious compared to the competition. I highly recommend it.”


Bugaboo Twin Donkey Stroller

Besides using “Donkey” in the name of this stroller, there are a few other reasons why BugaBoo Twin Donkey Stroller made the list of Best Baby Strollers! 

Firstly, this stroller includes two bassinets and two seats, which makes it ideal for families with twins (from birth all the way up to toddlerhood). This means that you won't need to buy a new stroller as your little ones grow, saving you both money and hassle in the long run. Talk about a win from the start!

Another reason why this stroller made it on the list for Best Baby Strollers is that the stroller fits through most doorways when in the twin configuration. This is such a good thing especially when you're out and about! You won't have to worry about maneuvering through narrow spaces or struggling to get into stores or restaurants. Because, it’s literally one of the worst things to have to put a super large double stroller in reverse and take another route just because you can’t fit through the space you are wanting to stroll through.

P.S. the wheels are made of foam. So, it makes for a smooth and comfortable ride! Oh, the stroller also has a two-wheel position that makes it even easier to go through harder surfaces, especially when outdoors. 

Here’s another big one! If you have an older child, the Bugaboo Twin Donkey Stroller can carry your two littles and a third older child with the addition of a comfort wheeled board. 


Here’s a quick list of the top 5 Best Baby Strollers

UppaBaby MINU V2

UppaBaby VISTA 2 Convertible Stroller w/Bassinet

UppaBaby RIDGE Jogging Stroller

Silver Cross Wave Convertible Stroller

Bugaboo Twin Donkey Stroller

And here are 5 more that should be honorable mentions!

Inglesina Lightweight

Nuna Demi

Nuna Mixx (used by Kardashians)

Orbit Baby

Bugaboo Bee

Like buying a new car, getting a stroller is a pretty big decision.

I mean you can always sell it or donate it if you don’t like it and swap it out for one you like better! But I wanted to save you some time in your research to list of my Best Baby Strollers, because time is precious, especially as a parent. Know what I mean?

Wishing you the very best on your stroller shopping journey and as always, I’m here for you… you’re go-to baby sleep expert! Give me a shout and we can chat through your specific situation and baby sleep needs!



Kari Ogg