What kind of mom enrolls in a certification program while she’s on maternity leave?
A desperate one.
Nice to meet you, I’m Lauren!
You might still find me with a 6-shot espresso-in-hand, but NOT because I have to.
I was a desperate-new-mom now turned sought-after sleep expert, and I’m here to help you get out of the Mombie Zone, too.
Just like you, after I had my first son, I couldn’t bear the thought of letting my little babe just cry it out. But MOMMA needs her sleep, am I right?
I wondered if there could possibly be a gentler way.
So, I dove deep into self-study—and after some tears to my husband that I had tried everything—finally got my son sleeping at least 8 hours by the age of 8 weeks. YES, 8 WEEKS. I felt like a completely different person, like, myself again. You know, like before I had a baby.
I knew I could help more families out there, and after the birth of my 2nd baby, I enrolled in an online sleep consulting school while on my second maternity leave. With my babies only 20 months apart, I became a certified sleep expert, and began this business to not only help my family, but families around the world with a realistic & modern sleep approach I couldn’t find anywhere else.

The Sleep and the City Mission:
to teach you a gentle, hands-on, no cry-it-out sleep plan that works with #reallife.
I want to get you and your baby past the wink-of-sleep stage in no time so you can rest easy, and get back to the land of functional adults.
When I’m not sleeping or talking about sleep, you can find me…
Soaking up the sun on the water with my extremely busy babes (only 20 months apart!) and my super-smart, biggest-heart-ever-college-sweetheart of a husband in Portland, Oregon.
the official stuff
Certified graduate of the International Maternity & Parenting Institute - specializing in Maternity & Child Sleep
5+ years of sleep consulting, and 7+ additional years of working with children ages 0-5 in private early childhood facilities
Certified Happiest Baby on the Block Advisor
Disney Expert Toddler Sleep Advisor
Dock-A-Tot Expert Baby Sleep Advisor
Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing with a Minor in Pre-Law & Spanish
SIDS Prevention & CPR Certified
the fun stuff
I love a good rose (in a can!) for happy hour
I’m a charcuterie-board-fan - mostly cheese, please!
I dream of giving my kids the best childhood ever
My favorite feeling is wind in my hair and that feeling I get when my kids say “I love you” out of nowhere
I’m secretly a homebody—I love a hot cup of coffee, a fire going, and cuddling under a super chunky blanket with the fam

“I only love my bed and my mama, I’m sorry.”
(and my kids)

I don’t believe in all or nothing.
I DO believe your parenting style is only as good as you feel about it.
That’s why I’m passionate about:
90% commitment
the no-cry-it-out approach
learning the magic behind a method, so you can still function when things don’t go as planned.
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