Are you ready to help your toddler sleep better?
I’m here to give you the tools to show you that your toddler IS capable of sleeping all night in their beds, and go to bed happy!
I’m here to give you the tools to show you that your toddler IS capable of sleeping all night in their beds, and go to bed happy!
You want to help your toddler sleep 10+ hours at night….without crying it out
Your child is between 18 months and 5 years old
You want your child to fall asleep independently with 15 minutes every night, and stay in bed all night
The thought of schedules/wake windows/regressions make your head spin
You know deep in your heart that something has to change, and you’re ready to make that change.
You dream of the days you can confidently have Grandma or a sitter come over and put your toddler to sleep so you can enjoy a date night!
Past client, Heidi Montag Pratt & son
This top-rated DIY sleep guide is designed to help your toddler sleep independently and stay in bed all night (bye bye co-sleeping or rocking to sleep!), have a full 10-11 hours of sleep every single night and create a more consistent nap schedule. Using the popular “BRB” method, you’ll support your toddler along the way, using the science behind the sleep!
So, who am I?
Hi, I’m Lauren!
Here’s a bit about me:
Celebrity pediatric sleep expert and consultant.
Founder of Sleep and the City - a top-rated baby & toddler sleep agency in Portland, Oregon.
Certified graduate of the International Maternity & Parenting Institute - specializing in Maternity & Child Sleep
Certified Happiest Baby on the Block & Snoo Advisor
Disney Expert Toddler Sleep Advisor
Dock-A-Tot Expert Baby Sleep Advisor
Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing with a Minor in Pre-Law & Spanish
SIDS Prevention & CPR Certified
If you’re a mama with a kiddo that’s struggling with sleep -downloading a sleep guide would really help!
I guarantee that you will learn so much and gain amazing tools to help your child sleep better. . .
If not, I will refund your money 100%.
xo, Lauren
Start today, and start seeing results in less than a week!! Don’t wait your child is too old; buy now!