How to Survive the 4-Month Baby Sleep Regression

How to Survive the 4-Month Baby Sleep Regression


Sweet Mama: If the 4-month sleep regression hasn’t ruined your life already… GIVE IT TIME.

All joking aside, this stage in your sweet babe’s life typically looks like...

✔️Baby waking up 4 - 5 - 6 times a night, even if they’ve slept well in the past

✔️You get totally confused about feedings. If they’re crying, they must be hungry—right?

✔️You’re desperate to fix it, and you’re afraid it’ll get worse.

… not to mention that it may or may not come right at 4 months. I mean, REALLY?

I’ve made it my personal mission to teach you a gentle, hands-on, no cry-it-out sleep plan that works in  #reallife. And, I want you to know it’s more than possible, even for your baby.

In my 7 years as a sleep expert (trusted by the big guns like Disney and Dockatot), I’ve seriously heard it all.

Most of the calls I get sound like this:

“My doctor says baby can sleep all night, but I don’t know where to start”


“I thought we were getting somewhere, and then…”

I’ve watched the 4 month sleep regression throw a wrench at every single parent, and I wanna help you deal with it. Because, if you can dodge a wrench, you can… wait. Nevermind.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

✔️Gentle Sleep Shaping for 4 month babes

✔️Realistic expectations for when the sleep regression hits

✔️How to get out of the sleep regression as quickly as possible

✔️Troubleshooting night wakings

✔️Nutrition guidelines for optimal sleep

✔️Guide to teaching babe to self-soothe

✔️The magic of the Dream Feed

✔️Must-Have sleep items for smooth transitions

There’s no way around the 4 month sleep regression, but there is a way through it. I want to give you the tools to navigate this season with gentle sleep solutions that work.

Don’t wait until this regression bleeds over in your baby’s 5th month (or more!) of life, start NOW!

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