Nap Training DIY Guide

Nap Training DIY Guide

Sale Price:$24.99 Original Price:$49.00

Does it feel like your whole entire life revolves around naps?

At multiple points throughout the week (maybe even the day!), you’re thinking...

✔️Is my baby napping enough?

✔️Is it time to drop a nap yet?

✔️My babe’s been refusing to nap. Is that normal?

✔️How long is too long?

✔️How short is too short?

✔️Can naps be flexible, or are we chained to the house (or this chair) for life?

✔️My babe only naps in the car (or the stroller, or the swing). Is that normal?

… it’s time to stop wondering daily (or hourly!) if you’re doing it wrong. You’re doing great, Momma, but there’s also a better way that will keep baby happy and give you your sanity back.

In my 7 years as a sleep expert (trusted by the big guns like Disney and Dockatot), I’ve seriously heard it all.

Most of the calls I get sound like this:

“All my mom friends have dropped a nap for babe, but I don’t know where to start”


“I thought we were getting somewhere, and then…”


The Wink-a-Sleep Method.

It’s a science-backed, mom-life approved gentle sleep shaping method, and it works for even the seemingly untrainable babes.

You might be thinking, “What’s a gentle sleep method?” I’ll give you everything you need to know about science, soothing, and schedules so you can get baby to sleep without crying it out for hours upon hours.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

✔️Gentle Nap Best Practices for 0-4 years

✔️No-Cry Napping Method for 0-4 months

✔️Nap Lengthening Tricks for any environment

✔️Troubleshooting car naps and cat naps

✔️Proven tips for navigating transitions

✔️When and how to introduce the Dockatot

Because naps shouldn’t be your life, but we know long naps are LIFE. And I wanna help you get to that good life with your babe!

Our method is not too good to be true, but it is really good.

Ready to steal my proven method?

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