Toddler DIY Sleep Guide for 1.5-5 Years ft. the BRB Method

Toddler DIY Sleep Guide for 1.5-5 Years ft. the BRB Method


The Ultimate Guide to Toddler Sleep

Everything you need to train your toddler to get to sleep, stay asleep, and repeat every night.

Is your toddler…

✔️waking up crying at least once a night?

✔️sharing your bed or room at least once a night?

✔️refusing to go to bed, or take 1-2 hours to fall asleep at bedtime?

✔️picking up habits or associations used on vacation or when they’re sick?

✔️refusing to nap, but still needing one?

✔️waking up screaming from a nap?

✔️waking up too early (maybe even before 5 a.m.)?

✔️waking up at night, asking for food + drinks - not just water?

Then hear me out…..this guide is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Within this DIY sleep guide designed for children ages 2-5, you’ll find:

The BRB (Be Right Back) Method, which is science-backed, and actual #momlife approved…

… doesn’t that sound better than the “hang on, lemme google that real quick” approach? This gentle sleep training methods will give you your life back, and make parenting a toddler actually easier, because they’ll be well-rested and more pleasant.

The BRB method, designed by SATC Founder Lauren Olson, will help you truly get all the concepts behind this whole sleep thing, and truly get exactly what your toddler needs from you to sleep, without hindering the bonding process.

ALL without crying it out. Because they’re way too old for that.

This piece is especially crucial with toddlers, as they are way too old for the cry-it-out method, and it might actually damage the bond you’ve worked for years to establish with your sweet child.

You’re the only expert on your child, so it’s time to get the learning that helps you navigate that journey.

Are you ready to steal my proven method?

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